đŸ–Ĩī¸UX Research

Telemission revolutionizes UX research by providing a direct window into how users interact with your product or service. By leveraging both Moderated and Unmoderated modes, researchers gain a comprehensive understanding of user behavior, pain points, and preferences.

Moderated Telemission: Guided User Testing and Feedback

  1. User Selects Moderated Mode: The UX researcher chooses Moderated Telemission to observe and interact with users in real-time as they engage with the product or service.

  2. Crafting Tasks and Scenarios:

    • Specific Tasks: The researcher designs tasks that simulate real-world user scenarios. These tasks can focus on specific features, user flows, or overall usability.

    • Open Exploration (Optional): Researchers may also allow for open-ended exploration to observe how users naturally navigate and discover features.

  3. Observing User Behavior:

    • Live Stream: The researcher observes the user's screen and actions in real-time as they complete the assigned tasks.

    • Verbal Feedback: The user is encouraged to "think aloud," verbalizing their thoughts, feelings, and impressions as they interact with the product.

    • Non-Verbal Cues: The researcher can also observe the user's facial expressions, body language, and other non-verbal cues to gain deeper insights.

  4. Active Probing:

    • Questions: The researcher asks clarifying questions to understand the user's motivations, decisions, and any challenges they encounter.

    • Follow-Up Tasks: Based on initial observations, the researcher may introduce follow-up tasks or scenarios to explore specific areas in more detail.

  5. Data Collection:

    • Session Recordings: The entire session is recorded, capturing both the user's actions and verbal feedback for later analysis.

    • Researcher Notes: The researcher takes detailed notes during the session to document key observations and insights.

Unmoderated Telemission: In-Depth User Insights and Analysis

  1. User Selects Unmoderated Mode: The researcher opts for Unmoderated Telemission to collect detailed feedback and insights after the user completes the assigned tasks.

  2. Comprehensive Instructions:

    • Clear Objectives: The researcher provides detailed instructions, outlining specific tasks or scenarios for the user to complete.

    • Reporting Guidelines: The researcher may include questions or prompts to guide the user's feedback and encourage them to share their overall impressions.

  3. Independent User Testing: The user engages with the product or service independently, following the provided instructions.

  4. Data Collection and Analysis:

    • Detailed Feedback Report: The user submits a comprehensive report detailing their experience, including:

      • Task Completion: Successes, challenges, and any workarounds they employed.

      • Thoughts and Feelings: Their emotional reactions and overall impressions of the product.

      • Suggestions and Recommendations: Specific feedback on how the product could be improved.

    • Optional Video Recording: The user may be asked to record their screen and audio to provide additional context for their feedback.

Key Advantages of Telemission for UX Research

  • Remote Access to Users: Conduct research with users from diverse locations and demographics, eliminating geographical barriers.

  • Real-Time and In-Depth Insights: Gather both real-time feedback and detailed post-session analysis to uncover a wide range of user perspectives.

  • Natural User Environment: Observe users interacting with the product in their own environment, providing a more realistic view of their behavior.

  • Cost-Effective and Efficient: Telemission reduces the costs associated with traditional in-person user testing.

Telemission empowers UX researchers to conduct comprehensive and impactful studies, ultimately leading to the creation of more user-centric and successful products and services.

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