
Enjoyment is the heart of why we play games! Playtesting focused on this area helps you zoom out from the technical aspects and pinpoint the elements that make your game truly fun. While fun can feel subjective, there are common patterns you can identify through playtester feedback.

Key Questions for Playtesters

  • Overall Impression: Did you have fun? Be specific about what you enjoyed the most.

  • Smile and Laugh Moments: Were there points where the game made you genuinely smile, laugh, or feel a rush of excitement?

  • "Wow" Factor: Did any specific gameplay elements, visuals, story beats, or mechanics leave a strong positive impression?

  • Boredom or Frustration: Were there sections where you felt bored, overly frustrated, or confused?

  • "Just One More..." Moments: Did you ever lose track of time, feel compelled to complete "just one more" level or quest?

  • Memorability: Which elements of the game are likely to stick in your mind after you finish playing?

How to Make "Fun" Actionable

  • Pinpoint the Source: When a player reports having fun, ask follow-up questions to determine why (was it the humor, the challenge, the sense of discovery, etc.).

  • Identify Flow State: Ask players to describe moments when they were fully immersed in the gameplay and lost track of everything else.

  • The "Meh" Factor: Even positive feedback can be analyzed. What aspects were enjoyable but not particularly thrilling? This may point to untapped potential.

  • Comparisons: Encourage players to compare your game to others they enjoy and pinpoint what makes each unique.

  • Genre Awareness: Look for patterns. What elements do players consistently associate with fun within your specific game genre?

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