
While many playtest focus areas center on design and player experience, it's equally crucial to evaluate how your game interacts with the hardware it's designed for. Thorough playtesting for technical aspects helps ensure smooth performance, identify platform-specific bugs, and prevent issues that would damage player experience.

Key Points to Analyze

  • Performance Across Devices: If targeting multiple platforms (PC, consoles, mobile, etc.), test on a wide range. Utilize device emulators whenever feasible, but don't rely on them solely.

  • Framerate Stability: Does the game maintain its target framerate (e.g., 30fps, 60fps) consistently, even during visually intensive sequences? Does it dip on specific types of hardware?

  • Loading Times: Are load times between levels or areas excessively long on any platforms? Identify optimization areas if performance is an issue.

  • Hardware Quirks: Be aware of potential issues with specific models of GPU, older console versions, or less common devices. Research known hardware quirks relevant to your game's target platforms.

  • Heat and Battery Life (if applicable): Especially for mobile or handheld devices, test how the game impacts battery drain and whether it causes devices to overheat.

  • Technical Accessibility: Are graphics settings sufficiently robust to support lower-end hardware? Consider if there are performance-impacting effects that could be disabled for those needing smoother gameplay.

Types of Feedback to Gather

  • Specs Matter: Request playtesters to provide DETAILED hardware specifications, not just general descriptions ("high-end PC").

  • Data Tracking (If Possible): Utilize tools to log framerate, load times, and other technical data during playtesting for precise analysis.

  • Situational Stuttering: Note when performance issues arise: specific level, asset-heavy scene, etc. This can help narrow down the cause.

  • Beyond Playability: Minor framerate dips might not ruin gameplay, but can still negatively impact the experience. Gather feedback on overall smoothness.

  • Minimum Spec Honesty: Based on playtest data, determine realistic minimum system requirements. Don't mislead players by setting the bar too low.

Note: Technical playtesting is often an ongoing process throughout development. Prioritize optimization for the best possible player experience on your target platforms.

Last updated