🔃Loading Times

Loading times refer to the wait players experience when transitioning between levels, areas, or saving/loading progress. Excessive loading times create friction, disrupting immersion and potentially leading to player frustration. Playtesting with a focus on loading time analysis helps you optimize your game for a seamless experience.

Key Aspects of Loading Times to Analyze

  • Raw Duration: Use timers or in-game profiling data to track loading times across different scenarios (starting a new game, fast travel, death/respawn, etc.).

  • Situational Factors: Does load time vary based on hardware, save file size, or the complexity of the area being loaded? Identify patterns.

  • Player Perception: Even technically "short" load times can feel jarring if frequent. Gather feedback on if load times disrupt the flow of gameplay.

  • Masking Techniques (If Any): If you employ loading screens, mini-games, or tips, test how effectively they distract players from the wait.

  • Data Streaming: If applicable, analyze how well your game streams data in the background to minimize loading interruptions during gameplay.

  • Tolerance vs. Genre: Player tolerance for loading times varies by genre. A lengthy initial load may be fine for an RPG, but short, frequent loads in an action game are disruptive.

How to Optimize Loading Times:

  • Asset Optimization: Compress textures, reduce polycounts in models, and carefully manage audio file sizes.

  • Strategic Pre-Loading: Load some assets during less noticeable moments (cutscenes, downtime) to reduce future interruptions.

  • Prioritize the Essentials: Ensure core gameplay and frequently accessed areas load quickly, even if it means slightly longer waits for less common content.

  • Asynchronous Loading: If possible, implement systems that allow gameplay to continue partially while assets load in the background.

  • Honest Loading Bars: If load times can't be eliminated, give players an accurate progress indicator to manage expectations.

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